Do you need to be understood?

Updated: Jan 4

Do you need to be understood?

This question has been at the forefront of my mind for some time. As a Highly Sensitive Person and empath, I feel like I have never really fit it. Although, until recently I didn't know those terms to explain my experience and challenges.

In fact, I have spent most of my life feeling like something was wrong with me. I joke with my boyfriend that I am not equipped to live on this planet...not a joke though!

To read my post about the characteristics of being an HSP, click HERE

Up until recently I really believed everyone felt this way, but through some personal flaw I couldn't handle it like everyone else.

So, I pushed myself, denied my needs, and was generally exhausted and irritable.

I am now to a point in my life...almost 50...that I am not willing to continue living like I always have. I am setting different standards, new boundaries, honoring my needs even when others don't understand them.

I am learning to be ok with not being understood.

I'll be honest, it isn't easy. I want to be understood. But, I am realizing that I don't need it. Or, it's not as important to me as other things...peace, rest, solitude, a lifestyle that feels supportive and expansive, deep connection, honesty, honoring myself and my needs.

What do you need in this life to be the best version of yourself?

What do you really want?

What do you do if others don't understand?

And, if you have found peace with not being understood please share your thoughts and process in the comments.