Chronic Illness - How Energy Healing can help

Updated: Jul 14, 2020

Chronic Illness such as Autoimmune, Chronic Lyme, Epstein-Barr, etc, can be all consuming. Going from practitioner to practitioner, trying different diets, spending hundreds, sometimes thousands on supplements looking for the final solution, the thing that will finally make you feel better. I know this from personal experience. (Read about my story here.) For me, it never was one thing that made the difference. It was a series of small and large improvements, many times one step forward and two steps back. But the thing that made the biggest difference over time was my internal journey...healing the dis-ease within me. Seeing where I had abandoned myself, ignored my own well-being for what I thought I had to do or be, and re-membering my true self, the true joy and peace that is always there, just forgotten. Now that I have come out the other side, my heart's passion is to assist others in this journey. Using my training as an Energy Healing Practitioner with over 20 years of experience, I offer a three part approach to address the energetic aspects of chronic illness - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual:

1. Clearing and balancing of the energy system (including chakras, the energy field, organs, and the Hara) allowing the physical body an easier pathway back to health.

2. Healing any relevant past trauma.

3. Energetically assisting the processing of any associated personal or spiritual lessons or growth needed for deep healing.

If you are ready to dive in, please contact me. This journey is not always easy, but it is real and it is worth it. See what is waiting for you on the other side.

In peace,


#lyme #EBV #adrenalfatigue #ChronicIllness